Sponsor Particolare: Varese Basketball Academy
February 17, 2020
Object Particolare becomes the cornerstone sponsor of Varese Basketball Academy, the youth academy of one of the most celebrated Italian basketball team Pallacanestro Varese, winner, inter alia, of 5 Champions' Cups, 2 Intercontinental Cups and 10 National Championship based in the northwest of Lombardy, a beautiful region of alpine lakes and lovely hills surrounded by the Alps.
The Academy is the only Italian basketball company whose teams reached all the National Finals last year, ranging from 13 year-old to the 18 year-old kids. It has over 200 young athletes in Varese and over 400 distributed amongst the teams involved in the Varese Academy Network. It is considered in the top-five academies in the country.
Traditionally the Academy focus on both sport, ethical and educational values. Athletes learn to be part of a community where respect for the others (teammate, other teams, referees, any third party involved) is a fundamental value. Moreover no kid is allowed to be part of the Academy if he does not make his maximum efforts in its educational plan, under the surveillance of both school and Academy tutors.

Last year Object Particolare decided to support Academy's project involving scholarships for kids from all around the world to come and live in Varese to become top level athletes while attending high schools with various major options.
Due to the success of such a project, today Object Particolare is proud to become a cornerstone sponsor in a new enlarged project focusing to kids from Africa, Asia and South America in order to offer them better chances to realize their dreams through sport and studies.